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Berries are found growing throughout the tower on vines, each being helpful in unique ways. All berries are automatically used upon touch, except the red variant, Blast Berries, which must be manually picked up to be used.

Jump Berries:


Purple Berries and are found only on flat surfaces, and grant you 1 mid-air jump each, saving you from having to waste a Jump Potion. They are automatically consuned upon touching. You can save them up to gain additional jumps, but be careful. If you consume 4 Jump Berries without using them, that means you've reached your limit, and any more will overwhelm your climber, stopping his heart.

Blast Berries:


Red Berries are not collected like other berries, but rather they can be picked up and/or stored in your inventory. They can be thrown as an explosive or as a means of conveyance. Throw them downward while in a jump and they can boost your jump!. Red berries function the same as a Corrosive Potion; they destroy the block that they collide with. They seem to fly a bit shorter when thrown than the Corrosive Potion, and their destruction is a little less surgical. Try throwing them downward in mid-air for that extra oomph!

Adrenal Berries:

Adrenal Berry.png

Yellow Berries will increase your climbing and hang speed for about 10 seconds. For the duration of effect, you will climb up walls and along ceilings much faster. This berry is extremely useful when running from lava flow or enemies.

Golden Berries:

Golden Berry.png

Golden Berries are found on ceilings and occasionally inside treasure chests. They are saved in your inventory and there is no limit to how many you can hold. Once you've collected a supply of Gold Berries, go speak with a Witch, who will brew your berries into any potion of your choosing.