Centurial Trials

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The start of the Trials.

The Centurial Trials is a gauntlet of 100 levels straight. It is more difficult than the normal game, and is meant to be provide a great challenge to players who have made it through the regular game.

The trials will throw random stages at the player, rather than a series of a set type of stage. It also mixes up the stage types so that they may have enemies or hazards not normally in them, such as lava in a ruins level.

The trials also have a few new stage types and stage events to challenge the player. The new stages are the Segmentation Plant and !!! stages. The new events are purple acid and throbbing air.

Players start with three items already in the inventory: A Hadou orb, an Invulnorb, and the Arcane Gauntlets.

At the very top of the tower on floor 101 is the Gate of the Ascended, where the Trials end.

How to Unlock:

FInish chapter one. On starting a new game, there will be a skull near the entrance of the tower. Pick up the skull and bring it into the light to select the Trials.