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Brave of you, to venture where you don't belong.
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"Entertain me."

-Krystelle, Chapter 1

Krystelle is the boss of Chapter 1, found in a room near the top of the lower tower. She, along with Zardo, seeks to kill the climber, though Krystelle chooses to keep them alive most of the time for her own amusement. Aside from Chapter 1, Krystelle also appears at the beginning and the end of Chapter 2.

General Information


Krystelle has medium-length blonde hair, tied up in a bun at the end of Chapter 2. Like Zardo, she has red eyes and is roughly 4 times the size of the climber, though her skin is lighter and more ashy. She wears a dark blue dress in Chapter 1 and a white dress in Chapter 2, along with purple lipstick in both chapters. She is always seen holding the Boiler Wand.

Powers and Abilities

Most of Krystelle's power comes from the Boiler Wand, a black wand with a purple orb in the center of a ring on the tip. In Chapter 1, she has the ability to spawn virtually any enemy she wants; she chooses Fish and Rats (Mother Hounds with guillotines, Watchers, and a Corrupted Watcher in Chapter 1+). She also has the ability to summon blocks and orbs to put on them, and to summon water or lava. She can also teleport the climber. Finally, she is shown to use a jump aura to allow her to float.

In Chapter 2, Krystelle can use her Boiler Wand to fire a green ball of magic, a purple ball of magic, a red ball of magic, purple lasers, and a large amount of arcane bubbles. The red ball of magic explodes into lava, and every ball of magic can destroy blocks. She has 50 health.


In TowerClimb, Krystelle servers as the boss of Chapter 1 and the final boss of a Legend Fragment run. She also appears at the start of Chapter 2, musing to the climber about humans. Her ultimate goal seems to be amusement, as she says how fun it will be to watch you die in Zardo's tower. At the end of a Legend Fragment run, she forgoes killing you, gives you a sword, and says that she wants to play with you one last time.


  • Krystelle is thought to be the owner of the lower tower, as evidenced during her speech in Chapter 2: "I could have killed you earlier, but it'll be more fun to watch you die in Zardo's Tower!"
  • In both the Throne Room and the Hidden Keep, the chair Krystelle is sitting on moves as she's breathing.
  • During her fight in the Hidden Keep, the torches will change color based on what attack Krystelle is going to use next.