Unused Areas

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There are a few areas not normally seen in the game that can only be accessed by unconventional means.

External Unused Areas

These areas are stored in .lvl files located in TowerClimb/data/chapter2 and can be easily accessed through file renaming.


This level consists of an outdoor area with a small randomly generated upwards maze made out of hatchery stone.



This room consists of nothing but a brick room with a entry door at one end, and an exit door at the other. The music eq1.ogg will be playing.

Internal Unused Areas

These areas are not stored in the external level files used for Chapter 2.

Empty Zone

The player is sent to this area when the game cannot discern where the player should be sent next when entering a door. The stage opens on an outside area. The player is indicated continously pushing in the corner. It is not possible to move. However, if an object is thrown to the right, it will come onscreen, meaning the player must be just outside of the camera's view. Strangely enough, objects that would normally be consumed on touch, such as golden berries, will not be immediately consumed, making it possible to pick up, store, and throw such items.


Floor 24

This strange floor can be accessed when the player enters a door and the game directs them to Chapter 1 floor 24, higher than what would normally be possible. It is wider than any level found in Chapter 1, and the large walls seem to be somewhat transparent. Enemies and lava do not generate, however other objects like wasp hives will. Blocks generate rather thickly, and spikes tend to generate frequently and in long patches. The music in this area will be the same as whatever music was last playing in the previous area.


Slightly Brighter Ground Floor

This area can be accessed by entering a Chapter 1 floor much higher than what is normally possible. This area is mildly brighter than normal, and no music will be playing.
