User talk:Astrosaur

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Hey there!

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All of the above links are a great place to start exploring Wikia. If you get stuck or have a question you can't find the answer to -- please contact us here. But most importantly, have fun! :)

Happy editing!

-- Sarah Manley <staff />

Hi Astrosaur,

Thanks for the weclome. Towerclimb is pretty awesome. Let me know if there's an area you'd like me to help out with, stay away from, etc. I just want to spread the word.

Omnijim 19:59, April 14, 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for the input! I set up a quickie "Areas" page for now (feel free to edit or rename or whatever), and I have tomorrow mostly free, so I'll take some screen shots and post more detailed rundowns of each area then. Hell of a game, isn't it? :)

Omnijim 21:18, April 14, 2012 (UTC)